Turn Your Backyard Into an Oasis With Patio Furniture

Addition of outdoor furniture can transform your backyard into an inviting retreat and increase the number of guests that can be hosted within your home.

If you’re shopping for patio furniture, be sure to carefully evaluate its durability and longevity. Look for fabrics that are fade resistant and UV protected. Also ensure cushion seams have heavy-duty thread and regular stitches.

Zero-waste living

The Zero Waste lifestyle has quickly become an international movement. Its principles involve reducing, reusing and recycling materials in order to send nothing to landfills. Though this lifestyle may appear difficult at first, its principles can easily be implemented into daily routines by simply making small adjustments such as using reusable plastics and cloth grocery bags in addition to stainless steel or glass containers for food storage and purchasing locally produced food to support local economies and reduce packaging.

Zero Waste advocates have taken to blogging and video blogging about their lifestyle to encourage others to adopt zero waste habits. They promote using homemade cleaning products, cloth napkins and handkerchiefs, glass or stainless-steel food containers and beverage bottles, avoiding plastic straws and shopping bags altogether, saving both money and resources over time. Making these changes may save money long term while increasing happiness levels by being more present with family, less wasteful with eating out, being mindful of environmental impact while having strong motivation for making a change!

Some principles of zero waste living are nothing new – many were common practices prior to the rise of disposable plastics. People used cloth napkins and handkerchiefs, vinegar and water for cleaning purposes and reusable bags when shopping at markets. Lauren Singer popularized this lifestyle when writing her bestseller Trash Is for Tossers; two stores dedicated to helping individuals move towards trash-free living have opened in her name.

Zero Waste advocates also prioritize recycling. Recycling can save resources, conserve energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions and help preserve forests – so knowing and following local recycling guidelines closely is vital in order to reduce waste and preserve forests.

People living a zero waste lifestyle tend to make most of their purchases from bulk food stores or farmers markets, being mindful when selecting brands, choosing ones with minimal or no packaging and using sharing economies to share things among friends or neighbors.

Tropical ambiance

Turning your patio into a tropical retreat requires careful consideration of key elements, from furniture and decor choices to lush plants and vibrant patterns and colors. Achieve an atmosphere of serenity through adding lush vegetation or exotic blooms is another effective strategy that creates an inviting sunroom, perfect for relaxing surrounded by an attractive scenery.

Rattan and wicker furniture add tropical charm to any patio. Selecting chairs adorned with vibrant island-inspired cushions in shades of green, yellow, and pink can create an inviting lounge area; while a rattan dining table and brightly hued hammock round off this island-inspired design for optimal relaxing or dining al fresco experiences.

Lighting is key when creating a tropical atmosphere. Lights that illuminate garden paths encourage visitors to explore your outdoor oasis, while lights that accent nearby plants and trees add romantic atmosphere. Furthermore, fixtures resembling tiki torches or lanterns can add a tropical touch for parties and dinners.

Store cords safely – To avoid trip hazards and ensure all fixtures and bulbs are compatible with your solar panel system, store lighting timers and extension cords safely by coiling and storing them away neatly coiled or stashed away in their cases. All wiring should also be properly buried and protected for your own safety.

Enhancing the tropical vibe in your backyard patio is easy and the results can be stunning. From comfortable lounge spaces to relaxing dining rooms, selecting furniture and decor pieces that reflect tropical themes can instantly transform it into an Island paradise. Consider using vibrant hues like mango and tropical patterns on fabrics like woven textiles as part of your theme. Add colorful throw pillows adorned with palm leaf prints for an authentic Island aesthetic, along with tiki torches or string lights for an authentic Island touch.

Multi-purpose decor

Once the pandemic struck and people started staying home, there was an incredible surge in demand for everything from toilet paper to furniture. Many stores, including Costco, ran out of supplies and were forced to ration goods like patio furniture. However, local businesses like Patiova provided handmade poly furniture made from recycled milk jugs that was easy to maintain and could last generations; plus affordable UV-resistant polypropylene covers that wouldn’t leave dye stains on cushions – they could even ship right to your door nationwide!



